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How might we predict the most popular travel and hospitality products amongst affluent Vietnamese travellers in a more timely, effective and efficient manner?
TMG is looking for a business intelligence tool that can:
- Produce actionable insights on a fortnightly or monthly basis
Monitor real-time demand and traction for travel products
Integrated with SQL server and have .NET framework compatibility
The pilot should demonstrate real-time results that the full solution would. Ultimately, the solution will enable dynamic pricing, prioritisation in marketing activities and budget allocation, and the creation of promotional packages with suppliers (hotels, resorts and/or airlines).

How might we improve the chatbot to better interact with and understand the customer, and offer a better experience?
How might we improve the chatbot to better interact with and understand the customer, and offer a better experience?
TMG is looking for a full-integrated chatbot solution that:
Fulfills all data gathering requirements: age, location, experience, web activity, product rating, product specification, etc.
Has good NLP capabilities specific to Vietnamese and English languages
Can understand Vietnamese context well
With a better chatbot that gives customers a better experience, TMG has a more friendly and effective 24/7 sales channel for their products.