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How might we continually track important health indicators, such as blood pressure, blood sugar level, lipids, and BMI, for customers, so that they can better manage their health and access insurance at a right time and a right price?
Health data is key to Muang Thai designing the whole customer journey from underwriting, pricing to a health management programme that helps their customers and prospects to better manage their health conditions.
At present, the insurance company receives such information from medical examinations which are done when a customer wishes to purchases a policy, or from health check-ups. The health data captured is at specific and irregular points of time and therefore, may not be helping in identifying patterns. Muang Thai has a health app that tracks exercise activity via a wearable, which again does not give enough insights into trends into the person’s conditions.
How might we continually track important health indicators, such as blood pressure, blood sugar level, lipids, and BMI, for customers, so that they can better manage their health and access insurance at a right time and a right price?
Muang Thai is looking for a solution that:
Is accessible to a range of users, and may leverage existing technologies the customers already have. Cost is a consideration.
Is not invasive or disrupt their daily lives.
Collects data daily — or more frequently, depending on the health indicator and the time of the day.
Captures data that is comparable to the accuracy of existing methods of measurement.
Ideally, the solution:
Has consent management from the user as part of data protection
Has established its accuracy or capabilities through clinical trials and/or commercial pilots
Has the capability to analyse the health trends of the user (Good to have)
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Muang Thai hopes to save cost from healthier customers, and provide dynamic pricing and appropriate alerts to customers based on early signs of chronic or critical diseases. The company can also identify and gain new customers who were previously underserved. Those with pre-existing conditions can have their symptoms tracked and be offered the right packages and even a long-term health tracking programme based on their conditions.

How might we ingest data in real time from a variety of data sources, so that Muang Thai can better predict their needs and make product recommendations?
Muang Thai processes large amounts of data from millions of customers. The data sources are: Fundamental Data, such as client policy details, insurance coverage, and policy dates; and Real-Time Data, such as transaction data, profile details, and customer service interactions.
How might we ingest data in real time from a variety of data sources, such as AS400 (DB2), MS SQL Server, Oracle, and Informix, so that Muang Thai can better predict their needs and make product recommendations?
Muang Thai is looking for a solution that:
Can be implemented without interfering with the performance of the core system
Has robust security features to handle sensitive information, such as client data
Becomes the Single Source of Truth, to help resolve conflicts
Integrates with Muang Thai's chatbot system to provide real-time responses
Can transfer 10 million records within 30 minutes
Has real time analytics capabilities while processing the data
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With a new system, Muang Thai has easier access to real-time records of all its information sources, and in turn develop better prediction models and real-time services to better serve its customers.