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How might we diagnose, monitor and maintain battery health and performance, and repurpose Electric Vehicle batteries into Stationary Energy Storage System solutions?
The number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is expected to increase rapidly in Thailand to an estimated two million vehicles by 2030. In conjunction, the emergence of a second-life battery industry will have a major impact on the energy storage system value chain, particularly in powering Stationary Energy Storage Systems (ESS). This presents new opportunities in reuse and recycling. Southeast Asia will develop its own playbook, with approaches, applications, and business models that could be different from the more mature markets in China, Europe, and North America.
SCG is a leading cement and building material company that aspires to be a significant player in this new sector. The company's commitment to sustainability and focus on Clean Tech -- and with it, a migration a large fleet of trucks, cars and industrial vehicles to EVs -- drives its interest to uncover and develop opportunities in ESS.
Fundamental to repurposing EV batteries is the ability to understand the state of the battery to be repurposed. Managing and monitoring the battery through its EV life provides the data to develop predictive and preventive maintenance through Machine Learning.
How might we diagnose, monitor and maintain battery health and performance, and repurpose EV batteries into ESS solutions?
SCG is looking for a startups that:
Has expertise in Battery Management Systems (BMS)
- Can measure the quality and health of the reusable batteries
Can provide the tools and analytics to assess the batteries
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With the new startup partner, SCG hopes to explore a new product and business model in the nascent EV sector. Eventually, SCG would like to develop a Platform-as-a-Service for the EV ecosystem and thus welcomes partners to co-develop this business opportunity.